Test-Driven Laravel from Scratch

I gave a presentation at ZendCon last year called "Test-Driven Laravel", where I walked through building out a feature in a brand new Laravel application using TDD.

The talk wasn't recorded, so I decided to put together a condensed screencast of the same material and share it with you here.

This talk covers some common obstacles people run into when trying to get started with test driving real applications, including:

  • What's the very first test I should write?
  • Is there any code I'm allowed to write without writing a test first?
  • How do I test routes?
  • How do I test migrations?
  • Should I start at the unit level or the acceptance level?

If you're a Laravel developer interested in getting started with TDD, check out the video below and let me know what you think!

Trying to wrap your head around testing? Test-Driven Laravel is a course I recently launched that teaches you how to TDD an app from start to finish. Learn more about it here.